Timing is Everything!

Guess this hole's location in the comments!

This week's post is a short story from my friend Les Vasconcellos, and how he saved strokes by playing these shots this year instead of last year.

He played a shot out of a bunker, blading it over the green and hitting his golf cart (which he knew was there).  Last year this would have been a penalty stroke.  This year, under Rule 11.1 there is no penalty, and he correctly played the ball where it ended up.

His next shot he managed to double hit his chip shot.  Again, last year he would have incurred a penalty, but this year, under Rule 10.1a there is no penalty and he correctly played the ball where it came to rest. He managed to finally get it on the green, three putt and score a 10.  Then he started to play well (according to him, anyway!).

Les, thanks for the insight into timing your shots to show us the new rules. Check back next week for more rules fun and maybe you can be in a post!

Please comment any questions or comments and give a guess to this weeks picture above. Mahalo!


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